Shaping our city together
Collaborative Bath brings together a friendly group of people spanning different sectors and organisations who talk, listen, learn, swap knowledge and skills and unite in shaping our sustainable city.
What we do
Through proactive discussion based on Doughnut Economics principles and other complementary frameworks, we explore critical themes such as food, housing, nature, energy and local business.We spot the connections between people, sectors and projects to streamline our citywide efforts and support their effectiveness.
Why we do it
Our baseline goal is to spark conversations between people who may not normally meet. Our ultimate goal is to understand and support the most critical and impactful actions, while distilling and interpreting them into local policy and wider systems change.We start this by gathering different perspectives and finding the common ground.
Share your perspective
Sharing our perspectives helps establish the common ground for collaborative action.We currently do this with a nod to the Three Horizons Framework, by choosing a monthly topic and basing our futures discussion on three core questions:
What unsustainable practices should the city leave behind?
What existing initiatives should the city nurture?
What fresh ideas might we introduce to the city, from our explorations around the UK and abroad?
All thoughts on these questions can be captured in two ways: through the group session on the first Thursday of every month (upstairs in The Grapes), or by completing the Google form at any time.